Developed by UNICEF and WHO, the Immunization eLearning Initiative provides all immunization staff with access to training in areas deemed vital to the advancement of the Global Vaccine Action Plan and its vision that everyone live a life free from vaccine preventable disease.
This Immunization Coverage Data course will help staff to make the best use of available data. With immunization coverage data available in all regions, it can provide a valuable measure of immunization status. But before you use immunization coverage data to make programmatic decisions, you need to evaluate its quality and accurately interpret the data to understand the true situation. After completing this course, you will understand how to evaluate data quality, recognize its limitations, and use data to make immunization programme decisions.
Learning objectives
At the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Identify where immunization data comes from
- Evaluate the quality of the data and recognize its limitations
- Interpret the best available data
- Use data to make programmatic decisions
This course is intended for UNICEF and WHO staff working in immunization across all levels of the organization (headquarters, regional, sub-regional, and country). It is also open to anyone within the organization interested in learning about immunization supply chain management.
It is recommended that immunization staff include the Immunization eLearning Initiative courses as part of their professional development plan.
This course includes five modules, plus an assessment, with a total duration of 170 minutes.
This course is composed of five short animated tutorials authored by subject matter experts.
This course includes five e-learning modules and one mandatory assessment:
Module 1: Introduction to Coverage Monitoring (30 min)
Module 2: Data Quality - Completeness and Consistency Checks (25 min)
Module 3: Data Quality - Trend Analysis and Validation (25 min)
Module 4: Interpreting Immunization Data (35 min)
Module 5: From Data to Decisions (40 min)
Immunization Coverage Data: Assessment (15 min)
Contact details
For questions or feedback on this programme, please contact Ahmadu Yakubu - Senior Adviser Health at