This online course WASH'Nutrition was prepared by ACF (Action Against Hunger) with the financial and technical support from French Red Cross, WaterAid, IFRC, Terre des Hommes, Concern Wordwide, Danish Red Cross, WHH, UNICEF and the GWC.
In this course you will explore how strengthening the links between Wash and Nutrition contributes towards achieving the goals under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable development.
Learning objectives
By the end of the course, you will learn how to:
- Improve your knowledge related to WASH’Nutrition integrated programming.
- Build or strenghten the capacities of your team to mainstream WASH’Nutrition integration.
This course is suitable for professionals working in emergency or development context, looking for practical advice on how to better integrate Wash and Nutrition interventions.
It should take you about 6 hours to complete this self-paced course.
WASH’Nutrition E-Learning is designed as a set of six learning modules. Each of the modules is divided into smaller topics and can be completed in stages, according to the availability of a learner.
There is an evaluation test and certificate confirming successful completion of the training, allowing each learner to benefit from and official recognition of their work.
Module 1: Undernutrition and Wash: the basics
Module 2: Linking nutritional outcomes with Wash environment
Module 3: WASH’Nutrition strategy
Module 4: Integrating activities at different levels and contexts
Module 5: Monitoring and evaluation of integrated interventions
Module 6: Advocacy for sustained policy change
Contact details
Jean-Christophe Barbiche
GWC Capacity Building Specialist
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