About the course
Change the way you look at your vaccine stock levels now, and in the future.
This online course aims to refresh your understanding of vaccine supply chain data, introduce you to the Visibility for Vaccines (ViVa) online platform, equip you with the knowledge to use all the platform functionalities, and inspire you to apply a Data for Management approach to your everyday work.
Learning objectives
By the end of this course, you will be able to:
- Describe the importance of supply chain data.
- Explain the UNICEF Data for Management approach for strengthening vaccine supply chains.
- Explain the rationale for implementing the use of ViVa, especially in countries procuring vaccines from UNICEF.
- Explain how ViVa can complement existing data systems and how it can be embedded into regular business processes.
- Use and interpret ViVa platform graphs and charts. Identify and use Viva platform functionality
- Use ViVa platform outputs to inform decision-making
This online course is designed for:
- UNICEF staff (Country Office, Regional Offices, and HQ) working in immunization programs or supply.
- Government staff and partners making decisions related to vaccine management.
It should take you approximately 1 to 1.5 hours to complete this self-paced course.
The D4M and Viva Platform course has self-paced modules which include a mix of presentations, platform simulations, practical examples, activities, and scenarios.
The core components are:
- Module 1: Data Demand and Use
- Module 2: Data for Management
- Module 3: Understanding ViVa
- Module 4: Using ViVa to support decision-making
- Module 5: The use of ViVa at subnational levels
- Module 6: Way forward
- Module 7: Read & write functions in ViVa
- 8. Module 8: Admin functions in ViVa
Contact details
This course was developed by the Monitoring Strategic Data and Evidence Unit (MSDEU), UNICEF Supply Division. If you have questions on the content of this course, contact viva@unicef.org.
For technical issues, please contact sd.events@unicef.org