The Caring for the Caregiver (CFC) package focuses on enabling front-line workers to promote caregivers' mental health and emotional well-being. CFC provides front-line workers with skills and activities to address barriers by encouraging self-care, partner and family engagement, and problem-solving barriers to resources.
This foundational e-learning course provides an introduction to the CFC approach. Through this course, participants will:
- Learn about the purpose and key principles of the CFC approach.
- Identify how CFC might apply in their country context.
- Learn how to prepare to adapt and roll-out the CFC approach.
UNICEF staff, implementing partners, and government stakeholders
interested in adapting and rolling out the CFC package in their own
Learning objectives
At the end of the training participants should be able to:
- Understand the importance of caregivers’ mental health and emotional well-being for early childhood development.
- Describe the CFC approach.
- Identify how the CFC package can be adapted and rolled-out through existing systems and programmes.
The length of the course is approximately 2.5 hours long.
The course is divided into Content3 modules, each of which has several lessons as per the below:
- Background and rationale of the CFC approach
This module consists of 4 lessons and it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. In this module, participants will learn about the background, rationale, and aim of the CFC package. - Introduction to the CFC approach
This module consists of 6 lessons and it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete. In this module participants will learn about the key principles and components of the CFC approach. - Applying the CFC approach
This module consists of 5 lessons and it takes approximately 45 minutes to complete.In this module, participants will about the application of CFC for caregivers of children ages 0-2 years. Participants will also learn about the process for adapting and rolling-out CFC within existing programmes and systems at the country level.
Contact Details
For content queries, questions and suggestions, please contact Boniface Kakhobwe (bkakhobwe@unicef.org) and Dilara Avdagic (davdagic@unicef.org).