UNICEF has a contractual obligation to pay staff salary and entitlements in a timely manner and in order to ensure this, it is pertinent that funding is made available to meet the staff salary expenses at all times. While there are procedures and work instructions outlining the key aspects of payroll funding, this video tutorial series, consisting of several modules, will help users involved in the payroll funding process to navigate the steps in the process more efficiently and effectively..
This series of modules will help you understand the importance of managing the payroll funding effectively and prepare you to take the necessary steps to ensure funding is available and adequate for timely processing of monthly payroll for staff in your office.
This series is primarily aimed at budget focal points, operations & finance .
Approximately 60 minutes.
- Overview
- Cost Distribution
- Payroll Budget Planning
- Funding Analysis Report
- Position Budget Control
- Exceptional Measures
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Global Shared Service Centre