Learning objectives

The overall goal of the course will be to build skills and competencies to perform WASH assessment-related activities in support to WASH humanitarian coordination and response within the HPC and beyond, both in protracted and/or sudden emergency settings.


Primary targets for this course are staff and partners involved in WASH coordination at national and subnational levels:

  • Current or future WASH cluster coordinators
  • Current or future WASH cluster information managers
  • WASH partners involved in the response and coordination

This course is designed for General / Expert level cluster coordinators, IMOs or cluster partners working on assessments. Therefore, participants are required to already have basic knowledge in their respective area of work (information management, assessment, coordination, humanitarian coordination structure) before participating.


It takes about 10 hours to complete the course.


Each module is followed by a quiz. A feedback survey will be available at the end of all the modules. 

Module 1: Introduction to assessments 

  • Introduction to assessments (what they are and the different types that exist). 
Module 2: Assessments and the HPC / WASH response 

  • Purpose of assessments (why) – Grand Bargain 
  • Timing of assessments (when) 
  • Assessment strategy (what and how) 
  • Role of cluster coordination platforms and others involved in the process (who): introduction to the importance of having an integrated approach with other clusters (Health, Nutrition, CWG, etc.) 
Module 3: Development of an assessment strategy 

  • Introduction to assessment strategies. 
  •  Development of an assessment strategy: 
    • Objectives and scope 
    • Guiding principles and measures to apply them 
    • Information landscape (Information gap analysis, Resources, Coordination of assessments (overview, protocols, capacity building)
Module 4: Development of core indicators

  • Introduction to indicators: 
    • Purpose of indicators in assessments
    • Purpose of indicators beyond assessments
    • Criteria to take into account when using or developing an indicator (SMART) 
  • GWC indicator bank (what it contains and how to use it)
  • Adapting existing indicators (household / KI / observation) or creating new ones
  • Developing SMART indicators (interactive)
  • Developing a questionnaire (selection of indicators, type of questions) 

Module 5: Conducting secondary data reviews (SDRs)

  • Purpose of SDRs
  • Different components of SDRs: assessment registries and analysis of this registry
  • How to develop an SDR or update an existing one
  • How to analyze an SDR and use it strategically
Module 6: Primary data collections 

  • Introduction to primary data collections
    • What is a primary data collection?
    • Different types 
    • Purpose of primary data collections 
    • Minimum standards: 
      • Sampling
      • Cognitive bias 
      • Feasibility
      • Ethics
  • Role of cluster coordination platforms relating to data collection: 
    • Collaboration with partners who conduct assessments
    • Coordination and capacity-building among partners collecting data 
    • Collaboration with other clusters for an integrated approach either bilaterally or through the ICCG. 
Module 7. How assessments feed into the HPC (building on Session 1)

  • Introduction to the JIAF  and inter-sectoral analysis
    • What is the JIAF?
    • Purpose of MSNAs  within the JIAF
    • Role of coordination platforms
  • Sectoral People in Need (PiN) calculations and severity mappings
    • Key features of PiN and severity mappings
    • How to calculate PiN and conduct severity mappings 
  • Other analysis and purpose of data within the HPC and cluster strategies:  
    • Sectoral narratives
    • Operational purposes
    • Monitoring