Cover image: © UNICEF/UN0345316/Edwards

In many contexts, it will be necessary for the nutrition cluster coordination team to support the establishment, or re-activation, of technical working groups (TWGs). TWGs can ensure the technical preparedness of the cluster members, identify the need to develop or update technical guidelines, provide support on technical issues faced by the collective and provide oversight to the technical quality of specific interventions.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Describe the key characteristics of a technical working group
  • Explain the benefits of establishing technical working groups and their expected outputs
  • Collectively develop a terms of reference document for the TWG
  • Explain how to foster collective engagement and participation in TWGs


This module is an intermediary-level course aimed at anyone who is interested in furthering their skills and knowledge in nutrition cluster coordination in humanitarian contexts, and who needs to coordinate and collaborate with the humanitarian architecture on this topic. It is part of the recommended learning path for national nutrition cluster coordinators aiming to progress to senior level roles.


It should take you about 20 minutes to complete this self-paced course. 


This course is composed of a single short self-paced animated module, including various examples and activities. 



Lesson 1: The key characteristics of a technical working group
5 mins

Lesson 2: Benefits of establishing TWGs within a nutrition cluster
5 mins

Lesson 3: Developing a Terms of Reference (TOR) for a nutrition cluster TWG
5 mins

Lesson 4: Fostering collective engagement and participation in the TWG
5 mins


Contact details

For technical issues, you can contact