This module provides clarification on what child safeguarding (CSG) is and how it differs from child protection (CP) and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), explores the child safeguarding responsibilities of cluster coordination teams and provides an overview of the responsibilities of individual organizations.
This module is primarily aimed at education cluster/EiE working group coordination teams but is relevant to those working in all clusters/ sectors/ AoRs.

Learning objectives

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Explain what child safeguarding is and the responsibilities it involves,
  • Differentiate child safeguarding from child protection (CP) and protection from sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA),
  • Describe how child safeguarding can be embedded in humanitarian coordination, and in particular the coordination of the education cluster/EiE working group,
  • Commit to improving child safeguarding in your context.


This module targets primarily Cluster/AoR Coordination Teams (coordinators and IMOs), and while it is aimed at education cluster/EiE working group coordination teams specifically, it is also relevant to those working in all clusters/ sectors/ AoRs.
This module is also suitable for staff of organisations members of any cluster/sector/AoR.


It should take you about 50 minutes to complete this self-paced course. 


This course is composed of a single short self-paced animated module, including various examples and activities. 



Lesson 1: What is child safeguarding? 
Lesson 2: Child safeguarding, child protection and PSEA
Lesson 3: The role of education and other sectoral cluster coordination teams in child safeguarding 
Lesson 4: Cluster partners’ responsibilities
Lesson 5: Reflection and commitment to action


Additional ressources

You might also be interested in the following resources:

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