Welcome to UNICEF Community Engagement for Behaviour and social change in Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action Course!

This four-part course has been designed to introduce you to the revised Core Commitments for Children and to deepen your understanding of how Community Engagement for Behaviour and Social Change is now mainstreamed across programs and can impact positive outcomes in emergencies. 

Upon completion, UNICEF personnel and partners will be prepared to mainstream Community Engagement for Behaviour and Social Change commitments and benchmarks in their work.

Learning objectives

This course spotlights our collective responsibility and commitment to Community Engagement for Behaviour and Social Change.  Whether you are on the Social and Behaviour Change team or are a part of the wider humanitarian community, the updated Core Commitments for Children make it clear that everyone has a responsibility to ensure Community Engagement is integrated and monitored across sectors in the humanitarian programming. 

After completing the course, you should be able to:

  1. Effectively navigate the revised CCCs program commitments and benchmarks
  2. Apply the CE, SBC commitments across programs including indicator guidance to their work in humanitarian or emergency settings
  3. Monitor the performance of and progress of the CCCs commitments through their portfolio


  1. Social and Behaviour Change staff 
  2. Other UNICEF staff interested in the Community Engagement commitments in the CCCs 
  3. Senior management including Reps, Deputy Reps, CFOs, section chiefs and program staff
  4. Partners, including government, civil society organizations, humanitarian partners and clusters.


It should take you about 100 minutes to complete this course.


This course is composed of four short (about 20 minutes each) self-paced modules. Each module introduces a specific theme and its 'key messages,' illustrated by interactive icons, short exercises and short videos providing more information. The videos walk the learner through the main concepts of each module. The videos are available with or without audio, and a transcript is provided.


This course consists of four interactive modules to be completed in sequence. Each module covers a specific topic. The four modules are: 

  • Module 1: What are the CCCs? 
  • Module 2: Sectoral Community Engagement 
  • Module 3: Monitoring and Evaluation for CCCs
  • Module 4: Applying the CCCs

Contact details

Content issues and questions: Naureen Naqvi nnaqvi@unicef.org and Mariana Palavra mpalavra@unicef.org