Welcome to the SBC Advanced Learning Pathway

This Learning Pathway will provide you with a thorough exploration of the theory and practice of SBC at UNICEF. This Learning Pathway is intended for SBC practitioners who are interested in building their expertise in all aspects of SBC theory and practice at UNICEF. Completing this pathway will make you an expert in SBC principles, concepts, theories, and practice. After completing the pathway, you should be comfortable advising colleagues and partners with less experience in SBC, leading groups developing SBC initiatives, and independently developing SBC programmes/interventions.

Please note that this Pathway will require a significant investment in time. Some courses in the Pathway may be offered intermittently on Agora or on external sites.

Once you have completed the Pathway, you will receive a certificate.

Course Requirements (2023)

  • What is SBC? video
  • SBC Theory and Practice course
  • SBC Research Methods
  • Gender Responsive M & E
  • Digital Engagement
  • Exploring the Drivers of Behaviour
  • Risk Communication Essentials
  • Expert Series: Xaher Gul
  • Social Norms, Intro to BI, or HCD
  • Two additional electives

Learning objectives

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Be capable of conducting the full range of SBC-related functions, including research, analysis, design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. 
  2. Know the epistemological, technical/theoretical, and ontological frameworks of SBC theory and practice.  
  3. Believe in the roles and value of SBC in UNICEF's mission and vision.  
  4. Practice effective SBC in their work context and is able to demonstrate effectiveness through rigorous evaluation processes. 
  5. Be competent in at least one approach, i.e., BI, social norms, or another.  
  6. Be able to mentor or guide others who are at a different point on their SBC learning journey.  
  7. Serve the SBC community through contributions to COPs, job exchanges, or other methods of knowledge sharing.  
  8. Advocate for the inclusion of SBC and SBC principles at the country office level.


    This Learning Pathway is primarily for UNICEF SBC practitioners looking to fully expand their knowledge and skills. Other learners, such as external partners who are interested in learning about the role of SBC in UNICEF, are also potential audiences for this course. 

    • UNICEF staff (country offices, Regional Offices and HQ)
    • UNICEF SBC implementing partners interested in a deep dive into SBC
    • UNICEF government, civil society and corporate partners as appropriate


    Please note that this Pathway will require a significant investment in time. Some courses in the Pathway may be offered intermittently on Agora or on external sites. You should plan on investing between 4 - 12 months completing all of the courses in this pathway.


    This Learning Pathway includes multiple courses on Agora as well as resources on YouTube and elsewhere.


    This Learning Pathway includes most of the courses in the SBC Capacity Development catalog.

    Contact details

    Content issues: Please contact Helena Ballester Bon, hballesterbon@unicef.org, with content related questions.