Cover image: © UNICEF/UN

It will help build your knowledge on how to better identify and communicate with LGBTIQ+ people in forced displacement, creating inclusive, respectful, and safe interactions and spaces for them to come forward to seek support and access services. The content offered will also help you further understand the risk points in the programs meant to support them and jointly identify actions to address them. 

Learning objectives

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Explain who forcibly displaced LGBTIQ+ people are with the use of key concepts of sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sex characteristics. 
  2. Use correct terminology in accordance with international guidance. 
  3. Identify appropriate and sensitive communication techniques and recognize problematic assumptions that can impact assistance. 
  4. Identify specific risks and unique protection challenges experienced by LGBTIQ+ people and propose actions to address them. 


  • UNICEF staff (country offices, Regional Offices and HQ)
  • UNICEF partners
  • UNICEF and National Committee consultants, interns, volunteers, goodwill ambassadors and National Committee board members
  • UNICEF government, civil society and corporate partners as appropriate


It should take you about 1.5 hours to complete this self-paced course. 


This course is composed of an introduction, and 4 short self-paced modules. Each module introduces 'key messages' illustrated by interactive icons and example providing more information. 


This course is composed of X modules:

  1. Introduction
  2. Unit 1: Terminology and Concept
  3. Unit 2: Understanding Discrimination Agains LGBTIQ+ People - A Global Overview
  4. Unit 3: Creating Safe Spaces Through Inclusive Effective and Respectful Communication
  5. Unit 4: Addressing Risk Points for LGBTIQ+ in Our Operations 

Contact details

Content issues and questions: 


Wilma Isaboke (

Alex Bonilla (


Regarding technical issues, please use the links listed at the bottom of the page under the Contact Us section.