Cover image: © UNHCR/UN

Through the Addressing Gender-Based Violence (GBV) online course, workforce will increase their knowledge on GBV key concepts, recognize their role and responsibility towards addressing GBV as required by their role, and describe how to take appropriate action in their own area of work. 

Level 1 introduces GBV key concepts, including the key approaches and principles that guide UN’s work on GBV. The primary audience for Level 1 is all workforce from UN Agencies. For a quick access to Level 1, click here.

Level 2 focuses on mainstreaming GBV risk mitigation. The primary audience for Level 2 is all non-GBV specialized workforce. This audience includes colleagues working in Protection, Programme, Field, Sectors and Managers. Colleagues with GBV specialized functions are also invited to take Level 2 of this course. However, it is recommended to take level 1 before moving on to level 2. 

These two courses have been firstly ideated and developed by UNHCR, and kindly shared with UNICEF's Agora to reach a wider diffusion.

Learning objectives

By the end of Level 2, you will be able to: 

  • Explain GBV risk mitigation. 
  • Apply the IASC ‘Guidelines for Integrating GBV Interventions in Humanitarian Action’. 
  • Assess GBV risks and identify concrete actions to mitigate these risks. 
  • Recognize the roles and responsibilities of different actors on GBV risk mitigation. 
  • Identify good practices when collecting GBV-related information. 
  • Describe how to monitor progress for GBV work. 
  • Describe actions to ensure women’s and girls’ participation. 
  • Respond to a disclosure of GBV and utilize the referral pathway. 


The primary audience for Level 2 is all non-GBV specialized workforce, including colleagues working in Protection, Programme, Field, Sectors and Managers.


It should take you about 120 minutes to complete this self-paced course. The two levels together will take about 4 hours in total.


Self-paced on-line course. 


This course is composed of the following modules:

  • Topic 1: Introduction: Defining GBV mainstreaming 
  • Topic 2: Mainstreaming GBV risk mitigation  
  • Topic 3: Women and Girl’s Participation and Empowerment 
  • Topic 4: Safe Disclosure and Referral 
  • Topic 5: Conclusion 
  • Assessment

Contact details

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Course and learner management: 

Regarding technical issues, please use the links listed at the bottom of the page under the Contact Us section.