Cover image: © UNICEF/UN

What is Lean?

Lean methodology is a collection of tools and practices which will enable you to reevaluate, rethink, and streamline processes for greater efficiency, with focus on the clients and customers. We will be learning about the many tools included in the Lean toolkit and how to use them to improve processes.

Learning objectives

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  1. Understand the meaning and background of Lean
  2. Understand key Lean-related terminology
  3. Apply methods from the Lean toolkit in various areas of work
  4. Efficiently anticipate and mitigate risks and errors in processes
  5. Efficiently manage stakeholders and their expectations related to processes
  6. Efficiently manage and utilize staff members' skillsets


  • UNICEF staff (country offices, Regional Offices and HQ)
  • UNICEF partners
  • UNICEF and National Committee consultants, interns, volunteers, goodwill ambassadors and National Committee board members
  • UNICEF government, civil society and corporate partners as appropriate


It should take the learner approximately 3 hours to complete this self-paced course.


This course is composed of six self-paced modules, and a final assessment component testing the newly acquired knowledge. Each module introduces key elements and methodologies included in the Lean toolkit, as well as some real-life applications and examples to further illustrate the methods. The modules walk the leaner through the main concepts of each topic, facilitating its understanding. The modules are self-paced, meaning that the time to complete them is subjective and depends entirely on the learner. The final assessment activity encourages the learner to reflect on the material covered in each module.


This course is composed of 6 modules and a final assessment component:

  1. Module 1: Introduction to Lean - Part 1
  2. Module 2: Introduction to Lean - Part 2
  3. Module 3: Basic Lean Toolkit
  4. Module 4: Stakeholder Management
  5. Module 5: Risk Management
  6. Module 6: Staff Management

Contact details

Global Learning Centre

UNICEF Global Shared Services Centre