Cover image: © UNICEF

Mobilising resources is crucial to implement any humanitarian program. To have the best results in mobilizing resources for ICSC projects, it is strongly recommended to jointly mobilize resources. Similarly, joint advocacy notes are often more powerful and impactful. With that in mind, in this module, you will learn about coordinating the process to jointly mobilising resources for inter-cluster/sector collaboration, the key steps to prepare an ICSC advocacy note and important content to include in an ICSC funding proposal. 

Learning objectives

By the end of this session, you should be able to:

      • Define what we mean by “resources”.
      • List different funding sources for ICSC.
      • Be able to develop a joint advocacy note for ICSC.
      • Know which content to include in a joint ICSC funding proposal.


This module is an intermediate-level course aimed at anyone who is interested in developing skills and knowledge in inter-cluster/sector collaboration in humanitarian contexts.


It should take you about 45 minutes to complete this self-paced course. 


This course is composed of short self-paced animated modules, including various examples and activities. 


Introduction: What is the ICSC resource mobilization and advocacy stage? 

10 minutes

Lesson 1: What are the opportunities for joint resource mobilization?

10 minutes

Lesson 2: Joint advocacy for ICSC

10 Minutes

Lesson 3: Tips to prepare an intersectoral funding proposal 

10 minutes


5 minutes

Suggesting prior learning :

Introduction to Inter-cluster/sector collaboration (ICSC)

An overview of the Food Security, Health, WASH and Nutrition clusters/sectors 

ICSC through the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Stage 1: Needs Assessment and Analysis

ICSC through the Humanitarian Programme Cycle. Stage 2: Strategic planning

Contact details

For technical issues, you can contact