IMPORTANT: There is a new, shorter and updated version of this course! Click here to enroll: Child Rights Toolkit: Integrating Child Rights in International Partnerships

The Integrating Child Rights in Development Cooperation e-learning course is a suite of modules designed to help users gain an overview of critical child rights issues, standards and principles; help them understand the obligations of relevant actors to realize international commitments on child rights and some specific strategies and frameworks to ensure those are put in place at the country level; and build skills for mainstreaming child rights in different sectors and phases of development cooperation programming through the use of specific tools and examples.

Course objectives:

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of a child rights-based approach to development cooperation, both as an obligation of governments and an opportunity to achieve development goals.
  • Access tools that assess the underlying causes and patterns of discrimination and inequalities facing children in a given country to:
    • Inform your work and the work of your partners
    • Address underlying factors and determinants that prevent disadvantaged children and families benefitting from services and claiming their rights.
    • Identify whether key interventions and services needed to address inequities are prioritized within national policies, laws, strategies, plans and budgets.
  • Identify changes you can implement to better incorporate a child-rights perspective in the interest of advancing child rights in your country/region.
  • Define possible areas of collaboration and partnerships at the country level to advance and support national priorities on child rights.
  • Identify the tools provided in the Child Rights Toolkit that can be immediately implemented into your work.


This course is primarily suitable for development professionals working in bilateral and multilateral donor agencies, such as, European Union delegations, UNICEF and other UN agencies, regional development banks, the World Bank and others.

It may also benefit government and civil society professional in countries addressing development changes; policy makers and practitioners and experts engaged in providing technical assistance in the design and implementation of development programmes.


It should take you between 7-9 hours to complete all modules in this self-paced course. 


This course is composed of background information from the Child Rights Toolkit and uses tools and resources from the Toolkit throughout the course lessons. After an initial thought-provoking module specific animation, information is presented interactively with formative questioning at relevant points throughout each module. Additional information, facts and content specific country examples are available to provide real-world applications of the current topic. Key information is reinforced by a host with voiceover. A resource centre for each module provides quick access to various references, a glossary and relevant tools and annexes from the Toolkit. In addition to questions that appear within the module, there is a quiz at the end of each module designed to check understanding of the topics covered. An end of course assessment is also available to test knowledge of all modules; a certificate can be printed on successful completion of this test.


This course is composed of ten sections:

- Introduction
- Module 1: Overview of Child Rights in Development Cooperation
- Module 2: Child Rights in Programming and Sector Policies
- Module 3: Child Participation
- Module 4: Child Rights in Governance
- Module 5: Child Impact Assessment
- Module 6: Child-responsive budgeting
- Module 7: Child Rights in Crisis and Risk-prone Situations
- Module 8: Working with Civil Society on Child Rights
- Module 9: End of Course Assessment