What are learning channels?

Learning channels propose a thematic and life-long approach to professional and personal development. They can be considered as sub-sites, presenting learning opportunities and resources under a particular angle such: a topic (e.g. innovation or child protection), a region (e.g. MENA or Cambodia) or a large initiative (e.g. VISION or E&E).

Here is a representation of a learning channel home page:

Mock screenshot showing different blocks: channel curators, suggested courses, other learning activities, Yammer discussions, recommended reading, embedded video and announcements.

Selections of learning activities

A learning channel helps you identify learning activities available in a specific field, project or region. Those activities are presented by format or sub-topic, coming directly from the main catalogue of Agora.


Curated content

Learning Channels content is curated by experts of the subject, project or region. Those curators can add courses, events, articles, create discussions or manage the different blocks on the channel.



Learning channels can be accessed without registration, however it is possible and recommended to subscribe to channels of interest.

Visibility and subscription is open among the defined target audience only. This audience can be specified based on various criteria.

When subscribing to a channel, one can decide to receive notifications of updates or check a dashboard summarizing changes on each channel.

Learning channels are built to be very modular, to allow for a personalization of the learning experience(s). Both curators and end users can define which blocks they wish to use and where these blocks appear.

If you are a UNICEF subject matter expert or manager, interested in developing a learning channels and participate in the piloting of this initiative, please contact us at agora@unicef.org

Última modificación: sábado, 25 de julio de 2020, 14:00