Cover image: © UNICEF/UN0313115/Frank Dejongh

This course has been designed to help you develop your understanding of the revised Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) and how to use them in an emergency response. With this course and accompanying toolkit, you will be able to recognize how to deliver principled, timely, quality and child-centred humanitarian response and advocacy in diverse types of crises.

Learning objectives

By the end of the course, you will:

  • Understand the new key functions of the CCCs, the Programmatic and Operational Core Commitments, and their benchmarks
  • Understand the managerial and organizational Commitments related to the CCCs
  • Master the tools available to plan and design emergency responses with UNICEF teams and partners


  • Confident to apply the CCCs in your day to day work
  • Confident to support others to apply the CCCs 
  • Motivated to improve your skills further

Be able to:

  • effectively use the CCCs as an advocacy tool in your dialogue with governments, local authorities and partners, as well as local medias and other external stakeholders
  • hold a briefing session on the CCCs with your teams to build their knowledge and capacities and use the CCCs as a training and onboarding tool for UNICEF personnel
  • conduct briefings with host- governments, national and local authorities, as well as operational partners on UNICEF Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action, and how to put these guiding principles and framework effectively into practice
  • embed the CCCs in the Annual Workplans (AWP), Country Programme Documents (CPD), Emergency Response Plans, Humanitarian appeals (HAC) and Partnerships of your office
  • embed the CCCs in the management tools of your office and in the performance reports of your teams
  • coach UNICEF personnel on how to include and mainstream the CCCs in their workplans

This learning program is applicable to all UNICEF personnel, managers and partners and provides the necessary building blocks that increase their ability to deliver principled, timely, quality and child-centred humanitarian response and advocacy in diverse types of crises.


It should take you about 1.30 hours to complete this self-paced course.


The course is composed of four modules which use:  webinar, workbooks, videos, testimonials, case studies/scenarios and discussion forums to help you to build and strengthen your understanding of how to put the Core Commitments for Children into action.


The structure is as follows:

  • Pre-assessment
  • Module 1: Introduction
  • Module 2: UNICEF Core Commitments for Children in Action
  • Module 3: Using the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children to engage with partners
  • Module 4: Using the UNICEF Core Commitments for Children as a Programme Planning and Monitoring Framework
  • Final Assessment, Evaluation and Certificate

Contact details

This course was designed and developed by the Humanitarian Evidence and Learning Section (HELS) in close collaboration with the Humanitarian Policy Section (HPS), Office of Emergency Programmes and the AGORA team

For queries, please contact Tatjana Klein, Learning and Development Specialist, Humanitarian Evidence and Learning Section, Office of Emergency Programmes, or Karima Duval, Programme Specialist (Instructional Design), Humanitarian Evidence and Learning Section, Office of Emergency Programmes,

For any questions on the CCCs, please contact Abdullahi Nur Aden, Humanitarian Policy Specialist, Humanitarian Policy Section, Office of Emergency Programmes,