You have accessed the old version of the RBM course. To enroll in the newly developed and revamped Rights and Results Programming (RRP), click here. 

In this new course on Rights & Results-Based Management (RRBM) that looks at both the Human Rights Based Approach to Programming and the Results-Based Management, you will review and learn about how the new RRBM approach guides UNICEF’s work to achieve results for the rights and wellbeing of children, leaving no one behind, and how it is implemented throughout the Country Programme Cycle. ​

Learning objectives

At the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Describe what RRBM is, how it adds value to programming, and how it helps UNICEF achieve its desired results for children; 
  • Define essential RRBM concepts and terminology; 
  • Identify and describe the different components within the phases of analysis, strategic planning, implementation, programme monitoring, reporting, and evaluation that ensure a results-based management approach while integrating a human right focus; 
  • Develop, implement, monitor, report and evaluate programmes using RRBM principles to strengthen results-oriented programmes for children in different programming contexts; 


This course is recommended for all UNICEF staff, and is strongly recommended for all programme and operations staff. Particularly, the operations managers are highly encouraged to complete the course.


This course is composed of 11 modules with an average dedication time of 3 hours per module. It is estimate that the training can take between 6 weeks (2 modules per week) to 11 weeks (one module per week) depending on the participants availability


With plenty of learning resources such as videos, interactive activities, games, forum discussions/activities, lectures, and many more, this distance learning programme can be taken before and/or when developing a new  Country Programme or the initial Steps of a Situation Analysis. However, participants may find  many of the materials within the course useful in ongoing programs and activities, and we strongly encourage enrollment at all times. 


This course is composed of eleven modules:

      1. Introduction to RRBM
      2. Rights and Principles as foundations of UNICEF work
      3. Understanding the situation, prioritization and causality analysis
      4. Theory of Change
      5. Formulating sound, smart & realistic results 
      6. Understanding & Managing Risks
      7. Aligning results and resources
      8. Implementation
      9. Programme Monitoring
      10. Results-Based Reporting
      11. Evaluation


There are two types of certificates in this course, badges and course certificates. Participants can get the badges after completing the modules on:  

    • Badge 1 - Strategic Planning that combines modules 1 to 6. 
    • Badge 2 - Programme implementation that combines modules 7 to 11.   

Participants will be awarded a course certificate upon completion of all 11 modules.  

 Contact details

For quick support ALL UNICEF LEARNERS should submit requests through the Service Gateway portal