TheRights and Results Programming courseis designed to enable UNICEF colleagues to effectively design and manage Country Programmes that deliver transformative outcomes for children. It aims to bridge the gap between global aspirations outlined in the Strategic Plan and their practical implementation at the local level, thereby reinforcing the Child Rights agenda throughout the programme management cycle. Additionally, the course seeks to enhance the integration of Humanitarian and Development programming efforts, ensuring a unified approach to advancing children's rights and well-being. 


This self-paced online course is Part 1, which focuses on understanding UNICEF values, accountability commitments, program principles, and guiding frameworks.

Part 2 of the course focuses on data analytics and country programme planning, while Part 3 is on Results management (work planning, partnerships, monitoring, reporting, evaluation, and learning). These course components are not online but are taken as face-to-face training in the country offices developing their new country programmes.

Learning objectives

To provide all key elements to UNICEF personnel to better understand, champion and integrate child rights principles and approaches into their work.


This course is recommended for all UNICEF staff, and it is mandatory for all programme and senior operations staff in Country Offices (CO) that are developing a new Country Programme (CP), as it provides in-depth and critical knowledge of UNICEF programming and planning processes and systems.


Part 1 of the RRP course is composed of 3 distinctive modules that take an average of 1.5 hours each. 


This multimedia-rich content incorporates text, images, videos, case studies, and interactive elements to cater to different learning styles and preferences. 


The course includes a variety of interactive learning activities such as quizzes, to encourage active participation and foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It also presents examples and scenarios to contextualize concepts and facilitate deeper understanding and application.


Part 1 is composed of three modules:

    1. Module 1: UNICEF values and key calls
    2. Module 2: UNICEF programme principles (Human rights and child rights at UNICEF's core)
    3. Module 3: UNICEF programming frameworks


Participants will be awarded a course certificate upon completion of all 3 modules.

 Contact details

Francesca Morandini -

Shohrat Orazov -