Cash and Vouchers are programme delivery modalities along with in-kind assistance and services. If used appropriately, Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) can be a more flexible, dignified, market friendly, efficient and effective programme delivery modality than in-kind assistance.  Under the Grand Bargain, 52 donors and aid organizations including UNICEF committed to increase the use and coordination of CVA. Because of this, the use of CVA in emergencies has been growing rapidly during the past years, accounting in 2020 for 19 per cent of the international humanitarian assistance, compared to only 10.6 per cent in 2016.  There is still significant space for increasing the share of CVA in international humanitarian assistance and for improving the overall coordination of CVA and clusters can play a key role in it. 

This module explores the role of a sector coordination team in promoting the use of CVA. It explores what information is need in order to integrate CVA in cluster/ sector/ areas of responsibility (AoR) activities, the actions that a coordination team can take to do this, and identifies areas of inter-cluster cooperation.  

This course is also available in French and Spanish.

Learning objectives

By the end of the module, you should be able to:

  • Describe information needed for the integration of Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) in cluster/ sector/ AoR activities and processes,
  • Explain how to integrate CVA in coordination throughout the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) and in cluster/ sector/ AoR work beyond the HPC,
  • Identify areas for inter-cluster cooperation to increase the flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness of CVA,
  • Identify actions to be taken by coordination teams to increase the use of CVA by cluster/ sector/ AoR partners.


This module targets primarily Cluster/AoR Coordination Teams (coordinators and IMOs) from the UNICEF-led clusters and AoR. This module is also suitable for staff of organisations members of any cluster/sector/AoR.


It should take you about 80 minutes to complete this self-paced course. 


This course is composed of a single short self-paced animated module, including various examples and activities. 



Lesson 1: Information needs 
Lesson 2: Cash and Voucher Assistance in the Humanitarian Programme Cycle 
Lesson 3: Inter-sectoral synergies
Lesson 4: Reflection and commitment to action


Suggested preliminary learning

    To get the most out of this module, we recommend you have a basic knowledge of CVA fundamentals.  If you feel you would benefit from further learning on CVA fundamentals, you might want to take either of the following modules before completing this module:

    Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) course

    UNICEF Humanitarian Cash Transfers (HCT) online training

    Suggested further learning

    CaLP Introduction to Market Analysis

    CaLP Practical Guide for Market Analysis


    For issues regarding content, you can contact Dana Truhlarova Cristescu, Cash Advisor, Global Cluster Coordination Section, EMOPS: