Cover image: © UNICEF/UN025421/Khuzaie
The PPP e-learning course aims to improve knowledge of the evolving global context of UNICEF country programming, enhance the skills for applying a systematic approach to the country programming process, and contribute to achieving higher quality programming that fully integrates and applies normative principles, policies and procedures of the organization.
Course objectives:
- To improve your knowledge of the evolving global context and key drivers of UNICEF programming
- To enhance your skills in applying a systematic approach to the country programming process
- To understand the normative framework within which UNICEF's work for children takes place
- To update your knowledge on how UNICEF programmes are designed, implemented, monitored and managed
- To allow you to better guide and support higher quality programming that applies UNICEF's core policies and processes
All UNICEF staff, especially new staff and programme staff.
It should take you between 7-8 hours to complete all modules in this self-paced course.
This course is composed of background information from the PPP manual and uses tools and resources from the manual and face-to-face workshops. Information is presented interactively with formative questioning at relevant points throughout each module. Additional information, facts and content specific examples are available to provide real-world applications of the current topic. Key information is reinforced by a host with voiceover. In addition to questions that appear within the module, there is an end of course assessment designed to test knowledge of all modules; a certificate can be printed on successful completion of this test and upon completion of short evaluation form.
This course is composed of seven sections and a final assessment:
- Module 1: The Country Programme Approach
- Module 2: Key Drivers of UNICEF Programmes
- Module 3: Programme Preparation: Assessment and Analysis
- Module 4: Country Programme Design
- Module 5: Programme Implementation and Management: Strategies
- Module 6: Programme Implementation and Management: Management
- Module 7: Monitoring and Evaluation
- Assessment
Contact details:
Rudi Luchmann -