
Many personnel – staff and consultants – at UNICEF use social media in their official capacity and in their personal lives. The dramatic rise of social media over the past few years has brought about questions from colleagues regarding the appropriate use of social media.

In order to address those questions, UNICEF has developed guidelines for the use of social media, with the aim of:

  • Helping UNICEF staff members, consultants, volunteers and interns (“UNICEF personnel”) use social media in a way that conforms to staff regulations and rules and to the standards of conduct, including ethical standards, that govern the behaviours of UNICEF personnel
  • Encouraging UNICEF personnel to use social media in a manner that supports and promotes UNICEF’s mandate and mission
  • Guiding UNICEF personnel on how to reduce potential risks to themselves, to UNICEF and to others​


The aim of this course is to provide a visual explanation of UNICEF's Social media guidelines through a training video. 


This course is aimed at all UNICEF staff.


30 minutes


  • Video on Social media guidelines - Think Before You Post
  • Access to additional resources
  • Knowledge check on Social media guidelines

Contact details

Learning and Development Team
UNICEF Global Shared Services Centre