Photo: © UNICEF/UNI316684// Frank Dejongh

This Training of Trainers is an instructor-led program aiming to introduce you to the next generation Stock Management Tool (SMT) online platform, equip you with the knowledge to use all the platform functionalities, and inspire you to become a champion on the SMT implementation in your country.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose and structure of the next generation SMT;
  • Understand the main user roles and the key functionalities of the SMT;
  • Administer and manage the SMT platform in their country;
  • Use SMT platform outputs to inform decision-making;
  • Collect and configure country data on the SMT;
  • Organize and deliver SMT trainings for other users;
  • Supervise the implementation of the SMT and provide support to SMT users.


This course is designed for:

  • Government staff directly involved in vaccine management and/or managing immunization programs;
  • Staff from UNICEF, WHO or other partner organizations providing support to governments on vaccine management.


This course takes a total of approximately 30 hours to complete.


This Agora course is not intended to be taken as a self-training, but as a repository of materials and resources to support an instructor led SMT training.

The program is intended to be delivered by a facilitator, typically as a 5-day workshop. The program should combine face-to-face or online group sessions delivered by UNICEF/WHO/EPI technical specialists, with specific self-learning activities to be completed by participants through the Agora platform.


The core components of the course are:

Module 0. Introduction to the training program

Module 1. SMT Basics

Module 2. SMT Administration functions

Module 3. SMT Store operator functions

Module 4. Setting up data in the SMT

Module 5. Training others

Module 6. Implementation and support

Contact Details

To have access to the enrolment key required to join this course, please contact the SMT focal point in your country. If you are the national administrator of the SMT wishing to use this Agora course to support training activities in your country, get in touch with the global SMT team at

For further information regarding the course content please contact the SMT team at .

For AGORA technical issues and support: UNICEF staff to report an IT issue through the Service Gateway portal, for guest users, please address to

Click the green button "Join the activity" to access the page.