Cover image: © UNICEF/UNI490296/Panjwani

The coaching program of the Global WASH Cluster (GWC) operates synergistically with various capacity development and learning approaches, including residential and online training courses, as well as on-the-job training. The coaching aspect specifically focuses on enhancing soft skills and behavioral competencies, such as cultivating influential leadership, building trust, achieving consensus, managing conflicts, negotiation, and more. Standard coaching tools are employed within the program.

Learning objectives

Specific objectives of the mentoring programme are:

  1. To provide tailored, real-time support to meet the professional development needs of Nutrition Cluster coordinators, information management officers (IMOs) at national and sub-national level, as well as UNICEF programme staffs and cluster partner’s staffs having roles related to coordination and implementation of the nutrition in emergency response. 
  2. To enhance the confidence of Nutrition Cluster staff and members when dealing with the challenges arising from their role. 
  3. To identify, share and promote best practices, experiences and approaches in cluster coordination, information management, nutrition in emergency programming and humanitarian leadership. 


Coaching can be requested or offered to any member of WASH coordination teams in need of specific support on identified areas of improvement: Cluster/ Sector Coordinators, Information Management Officers, Co-Coordinators at national and sub-national level.

The GWC coaching team are members of CAST and FST who were trained by certified coaches from The Forton Group.


At the beginning of the coaching program, the coachee will complete a brief baseline survey to assess their starting point. A similar survey will be administered at the end of the program to gauge the impact. Furthermore, a satisfaction survey will be conducted at the end of the program.

Important: Please be aware that any information disclosed during the coaching program is treated with utmost confidentiality at all times.

Contact details

For further questions about the WASH coaching programme, please contact Julie Bara (